Saturday, February 28, 2009
Waha that was random~ Feel like going skating now but it's so overcast ~_~ Blehhh so I'll just waste time at home~ Finally completed the cosplayer's copy of photos for the mini KKM shoot during EOY.. That was like.. 2.5 months ago >.o; Yikes I'm slow 8D So onwards! =Don't Carez= XD Did nothing in camp for the whole morning then came home~ And Lin asked which skin to use for her blog =o Changed again =/ Nationality Meme British [X] You drink a lot of tea. [X] You know what a brolly is. [ ] Deal or No Deal has taken over your life. [ ] You wanted Ben to win X Factor. [X] You use the word "bugger"or the phrase "bloody hell." [X] Fish and Chips are yummy. [X] You can eat a Full English Breakfast. [ ] You dislike emos almost as much as you dislike chavs. [ ] It's football...not soccer. Total: 5 Australian [ ] You wear flip flops all year. [ ] You call flipflops thongs, not flip flops. [ ] You love a backyard barbie. [X] You know a barbie is not a doll. [ ] You love the beach. [ ] Sometimes you swear without realizing. [ ] You're a sports fanatic. [X] You are tanned. [ ] You're a bit of a bogan. [ ] You have an australian something. Total: 2 Italian [ ] The Sopranos is a great show. [X] Your last name ends in a vowel. [ ] Your grandmother makes her own sauces. [ ] You know how a real meatball tastes. [ ] You know Italian songs. [X] You have dark hair and dark eye color. [ ] You speak some Italian. [ ] You are under 5'10'' [ ] You know what a Italian horn is. [ ] Pizza/spaghetti is the best food in the world! [X] You talk with your hands. (You mean like when I'm strangling somebody?) Total: 3 Spanish [ ] You say member instead of Remember. [ ] You speak spanish or some. [ ] You like tacos. [ ] YoU TyPe lIkE ThIs On Da CoMpUtEr. [ ] You are dark skinned. [ ] You know what a Puta is. [X] You talk fast occasionally. [ ] You have had highlights or have dyed your hair. [ ] You know what platanos are. Total: 1 Russian [ ] You say villian as: Vee-lon. (SORRY HOR, MY ENGRISH VEH GOOD ONE) [ ] You get short tempered. [ ] You know of somebody named Natasha. [ ] You don't get cold easily. [X] Rain is fun for you. [ ] You get into contests all the time. [X] You can easily make do with the cold weather. Total: 2 Irish [ ] You think beer is the best. [ ] You have a bad temper. [ ] Your last name starts with a Mc, Murph, O', Fitz or ends with a ley, on, un, an, in, ry, ly, y. [ ] You have blue or green eyes. [ ] You like the color green. [ ] You have been to a st. pattys day party. [ ] You have a family member from Ireland. [ ] You have hair everywhere. [ ] You have/had freckles. [ ] Your family get-togethers always include drinking and singing. Total: 0 (LOL!) African American [ ] You say ni#*a/nukka casually. [ ] You have nappy hair. [ ] You like rap. [X] You know how to shoot a gun. [ ] You think President George Walker Bush is racist. [X] You like chicken. [X] You like watermelon. [ ] You can dance. [ ] You refer to people as 'dawg' or 'homie'. [ ] You can 'sing' gospel. Total: 3 Asian [X] You have slanty/small eyes. [X] You like rice a lot. (I HATE RICE. I LIKE NOODLES) [ ] You are good at math. [X] You play/have played the piano. [X] You have family from asia. [X] You laugh sometimes covering your mouth. [X] Most people think you're chinese. [ ] You call hurricanes typhoons. [ ] You go to Baulko.(WTF IS A BAULKO?!) Total: 6 German [X] You like bread. [X] You think German Chocolate is good. [ ] You speak some German. [ ] You know what Schnitzel is. [X] You went to pre-school. [X] You're over 5'2. [ ] You like Limburger cheese. Total: 4 Canadian [ ] You like/play/played hockey. [ ] You love beer. [X] You say eh. A lot. [ ] You know what poutine is. [ ] You speak some French. [ ] You love Tim Horton's. [X] At one point you lived in a farm house. [ ] You watch/watched degrassi. Total: 2 American [ ] You hate foriegners. [ ] You hate non-Christians. [X] You're lazy.(Ah~ The procrastination~) [ ] You are not cultured. [X] You hate abortion. (You should keep your child OAO!) [ ] But love the penalty. [ ] You don't read. [ ] You shop at walmart. [ ] You think this survey is rather biased. Total: 2 Recap: British: 5 Australian: 2 Italian: 3 Spanish: 1 Russian: 2 Irish: 0 African American: 3 Asian: 6 German: 4 Canadian: 2 American: 2 Woah~ So I AM Asian~ Mixed with a like English~ Just how I imagined myself to be XD And I stole this from miharu's blog =X Oh toodles~ Ken Labels: diary
2/28/2009 03:25:00 PM
Thursday, February 26, 2009
http://www.esnips.com/doc/c084f70a-d1a6-4f3b-bfd1-fbb1dadb6770/Vulnerable Ohh I feel the love from this song >.o Something I found from my friend's friend's friend blog. Liek Seriously~ Wohoo~ Completed my 200km in two days~ After that today I got home played some piano and flopped on my bed ~_~ All the way until 10pm ^^; Without dinner ;_; Then ate after I woke up, did some blogging(XD) and such~ Can't wait to see the rest again~ Tho today was the last day I could see her(Shi XD) Next up the bigger monster~ "Never Take SomeOne For Granted, Hold Every Person Close To Your Heart Because You Might Wake Up One Day and Realize That You've Lost A Diamond While You Were Too Busy Collecting Stones..." ^Nice metaphor.. Ahh.. T_T Cheerios, The Ken Labels: diary
2/26/2009 11:04:00 PM
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Oh my~ The lyrics of the Gundam 00 2 song are rather good O_O It's almost what I want to say~ 花は風に揺れ踊るように 雨は大地を潤すように この世界は寄り添い合い 生きてるのに なぜ人は傷つけ合うの なぜ別れは訪れるの 君が遠くに行ってもまだ いつもこの心の真ん中 あのやさしい笑顔でうめつくされたまま 抱きしめた君のカケラに 痛み感じてもまだ 繋がるから 信じてるよ また会えると I\'m waiting for your love I love you I trust you 君の孤独を分けてほしい I love you I trust you 光でも闇でも 二人だから信じ合えるの 離さないで 世界の果てを誰が見たの 旅の終わりを誰が告げるの 今は答えが見えなくて 永い夜でも 信じた道を進んでほしい その先に光が待つから 君が教えてくれた唄は 今もこの心の真ん中 あのやさしい声と共に響いている 溢れる気持ちのしずくが あたたかく頬つたう 強くなるね 信じてるよ 繋がってると I\'m always by your side I love you I trust you 君のために流す涙が I love you I trust you 愛を教えてくれた どんなに君が道に迷っても そばにいるよ I love you I trust you 君の孤独を分けてほしい I love you I trust you 光でも闇でも I love you I trust you 哀しみでも歓びでも I love you I trust you 君の全てを守りたい どんなに君が道に迷っても そばにいるよ 二人だから信じ合えるの 離さないで But hmmss.. There aren't any english translations yet apart from the anime karaoke.. Which I am too lazy to copy out 8D boo lala~ Ken Labels: diary
2/22/2009 12:56:00 PM
It's been awhile, a 5.5 day week means that I have little time for anything. IT's been a fearful 2 months training to be a driver. Eg's, banging into other cars and making it pulp, rolling over pedestrians and making them into finer pulp, instructors screaming at you like sirens when you make a mistake till your eardrums are pulp, pulped so much that now your brain is pulp~ BUT it's nearly over! With my last test on Tuesday, I will be able to move on to my next phase of life~ Driving even bigger vehicles ._.; Heh, but I enjoyed the friends I made in there, found someone who plays the violin, may try a duet with him someday. For those who don't know, I've gotten myself a keyboard, those musical kinds yeah? Excited? Yeah I am too XD Will post up a recording of my progess someday~ Currently playing Eternity Memory of Lightwaves from FFX-2 and Itsuka Kita Michi from Aria the Origination~ But something that made me more excited than my keyboard was going out yesterday... I.. have not jumped in joy when I just thought about going out in a long time~ Like shiet, I think I'm liking her again =_=; cheerios, Ken Labels: diary
2/22/2009 12:42:00 PM