Saturday, March 28, 2009
27th We got a simply just ah-may-zing~ day off from work~ Being how I usually am I ask a few people if they want to go out~ Obviously, I planned the previous night. They said they'd call me if they were going out =o So! I waited ._. Until 2.. Then I took a trip to Bishan Library~ Where I search for book 2 of the Mallorean. Bishan doesn't own it. Darn. Still I sat around reading some book about some girl "Single Picky Girl". Was rather nice actually XD Around 5, I got up, and left for Yishun.. Library XD The lengths I go for my books =w= Ahh~ The place I go to everyday.. Yishun~ Up and into the library for the first time~ IT's rather nice o-o And I found my book no problemo, but there were so many people ~_~;; IT's a friday! Why?! Then off I went back~ BUT! Who should I meet but "oh Lue-san" at YCK *___* Took me all the way to Bishan before I could go up to him and say hi >,> Then I stalked him to Orchard where we went around Forum~ Been awhile since I've taken a proper look at all the toys in Toys'R'Us~~ Sorta feels like a "date" XD Well after some time~ We parted at the MRT where he went to Clarke Quay and I went back home~ Ok. I think he was rather shocked by me >_>; But I think that it's best to jump on coincidences whenever they appear D:! Still.. Maybe I wasn't considering his feelings enough.. Bah >_> Gotta get a cbox sometime =/ Ken..... Suddenly feels weird Labels: diary
3/28/2009 12:15:00 AM
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Whee, just came back from supper with Kenny and Aldric~ Somehow I feel so relaxed when my friend comes over to pick me up at 9.45pm in a car =w= We went to Kenny's house to look at his new car, called him with my phone pretending to be his girlfriend XDD So we took Kenny's new car to some place that had somethings .-. Ate ba chor mee, and talked about army~ Talked about cars alot too XD Kenny got a Mitsubishi LancerEX in black~ After that we went back to Kenny's house XD It's been around.. 5+ years since we last stepped inside o-o Around since Sec 1~ Still smells the same~ His sofa changing seeemed to be the only big difference over the years XD And his eldest golden retriever had been shaven >< He's getting old T_T (And he smelt my backside >_>) Ahahaha~ After that Aldric and I left while Kenny went to meet his girlfriend XD Got home around 1am~ Rather nice record of today~ It's a necessary one *nods* ..Have 200 minutes of driving later.. I'm gonna get cleared~ Ken, drives off Labels: diary
3/21/2009 01:34:00 AM
Monday, March 16, 2009
Don't I just love you >W< ! He's awesome XD Ken, doesn't do kick-ass guitar~ Labels: random
3/16/2009 10:01:00 PM
Sunday, March 15, 2009
@yuchi I didn't know that o.o Did I? But aww.. Those second years shouldn't be too bothered >.o @kai 'mazing ain't I? ;D Now~ We've just gotten the notification that PSPs are banned in all camps~ AMAZING O_O Everyone is gonna die of boredom D: Some interesting quotes that come from various sources XD 1.) Once you've read the manual, read it again because you will have missed half of what's in there. Take it to bed as your bedtime reading. Make notes. Pretend you have a test tomorrow. 2.) Some people expect printer perfect images straight out of the camera. I expect a 20% salary increase next year. We're both headed for disappointment. Strange that they both come from a Canon 10D User Guide by Bob Atkins XD Onto the diary section~ Yesterday, I went with Ivan and Elias to the IT Show~ Horrible place that was ._. Approximately trice as packed as Cosfest on any year. Went around with them to all the camera booths cos Elias is interested in getting one~ Then went up to check on portable hard drives for Ivan. The prices are dropping O_O! After that we split, and I looked around the entire floor~ How is that DDR3 ram so cheap?! And blah and blah~ Went to meet Darrell(hope I didn't miss out a letter this time >.o)~ I went twice in the period of time I was there, and sitting he was every time ._. So NOW! My first picture in a long time~ It was a difficult decision. Between this and my scab =/ ![]() Ken, Kicking some chopsticks Labels: diary, photography
3/15/2009 10:55:00 PM
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Ok! So I've finally found time to get off my butt on a Sunday~ At 4pm, I took a nice walk to this place I saw when I was on the MRT before. It was a row of tree blooming pink flowers I say! A superb beaut <3 I took 20 minutes, o...k~ now.. Ah I didn't mention that it was because I wanted to excersie my in-lines again~ Been.. Like whut? A half year or more =/ So I equip my skates at a bus stop a little ways nearby and what do I find? I've forgotten HOW TO SKATE O_O!! I knew i was in deep shiet, but I still persevered thinking that my body would remember somehow~ BAM! I lost control while I went down this teeeeeny weeeeny slope D: Even my brake feels weird now @_@ So I went down, angling to the right and grazed the area below my right knee.. I wonder how =_=; And my precious three-quart pants got it's first rip D: .. Rather, this is the first rip that I've ever had on any of my clothes O_O It's so sad D:! Blehs so I abandoned my mission XD And went across the road to take a bus back~ I took a bus. It went past my stop. It went to the right side of the split road O_O I saw my secondary school. Macritchie. Marymount. Far East Flora ._. Almost as if fate was telling me that I should buy some flowers at long last~ Cos I've been wanting to visit there since Cosfest 2008 XD So I take fate up on it's offer and took a look around~ And I say.... Where are the sunflowers?! D:! Saw lots of pots~ And Cactus~ I think I will get some for Setsu, Rinya and Eileen XD Spent some nice relaxing time there~ Then I left on a bus~ (Hurray for concession!) My first wound after so long is amazing O_O! It actually pooled some blood. While I was sitting in front of my com, I felt it trickle down my leg~ I think I'm in some deep doo? XD Bleeds, Ken Labels: diary
3/08/2009 08:20:00 PM
Friday, March 6, 2009
And so I'm late again~ Nothing much to post but I had this thought when I was coming home one day~ It was the 4th on the 3rd month of the year. I alighted at my MRT stop and I transferred to a bus. (Hey I have concession so don't blame for for just taking a bus 2 stops XD) So down I go~ Relaxing, instead of my usual 10 minutes walk back~ Darned I'm getting lazy ._. So I get to my stop, get off, and it starts raining ._. Like a drizzle being fast forwarded~ So I start running back home~ I actually thought of cursing the sky >< I'm changing D: Becoming impatient.. I loved the sky so much before, I would never have cursed it.. I don't like change == But anyway~ I ran, and thought. If I was caught in the rain with her, and I had an umbrella, I would not share it with her XD How fun it would be to run in the rain with her~ Thinking that, I became really happy XD I even started laughing ._. Imagine me in army clothes running in the rain laughing >_> It would be so freaky from a stranger's point of view~ My heart cleared up and I thanked the sky for raining~ I'm weird, I know, Ken Labels: diary
3/06/2009 11:31:00 PM