Thursday, June 25, 2009
The title is 'Exemption', but it isn't actually so serious 8D Cos of certain situations yet AGAIN! I've been exempted from duty from Wednesday till Friday~ The condition was that I was dragged in to perform a comedy act on Friday night~ A skit which results in a dance.. Guess which dance? =x It's a simplified version of this like lol XD ken, nobody~ Labels: diary
6/25/2009 11:12:00 PM
Monday, June 22, 2009
WOHOO! TOOK me 11 days! BUT IT'S DONE!! (well almost) I feel awesome~ ![]() now. Gloves and shin guards and wig and pants to go~ @_@ next to be done should be shin guards~ should be fun =3 Foam+Cardboard+Clay~ ken, has this feeling for the first time today, he doesn't want to go to work. Labels: soqk
6/22/2009 10:56:00 PM
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Moldy Chrysanthemum's Ok, I've left a bottle of unfinished F&N chrysanthemum tea on top of my cpu for two weeks(or so).. And guess what i found~~ MOLD D: It's this pale amber layer on top of the tea.. Good thing i sniffed it first >.o; I wanted to drink it DDD: So next.... Varnishing/Glazing/Coating is not going well on my sword OTL It either 1. Takes away all the shine from my gold 2. Totally dissolves my paintwork 3. Creates white clouds all over 4. Doesn't look as good as the paint by itself 5. I've got no patience to let it cure cos I don't trust it >.o Prolly no.5 is the biggest problem x-x I'm a person who needs security~ But now, I'm not going to have any coat on my sword~ Totally no security *_*;; Current progress: Sword 70% All the pieces are cut out, just need to glue them together The blade may be abit hard to glue on evenly.. And now that I'm not going to varnish, it brings up the schedule alot~ Gloves 7% I've got the base gloves for my hands Tomorrow I'm going to sew the forearm base. The dragon head will be pushed back and the body will be constructed first.. Shin Guards 1% All of the plans have been drawn out, I don't think I've any design flaws left ~.~; And I've gotten all the materials, went to Chinatown today. Hopefully construction will go fast.. Costume 40% Wig.... May have abit of a problem.. And my top is done, was looking for my bottom today. Nearly lost my top today when I went to Chinatown. Cos I left it in the shop and left >.o Good thing I remembered it as I was going down to the MRT station.. I ran. May have found a suitable bottom at the Giordano at Wisma.. But it's still not there yet x-x Should've gotten my tailor to make the bottom too OTL Overall 30% I'M NOT READY FOR CAF DD:! Labels: diary
6/21/2009 11:15:00 PM
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Anyone wants to pay $22 to go to Underwater World? 8D Pif I'm lazy to fix the previous post 8D more like no time~ making props and many things~ hope to complete my sword and gloves tomorrow~ And a quiz result from facebook:What type of flower are you? I'm a rose~ ![]() Luscious and passionate, you represent the most classic form of love -- one that is strong, constant, and always young. You are the quintessential messenger for both the living and the dead, and your incredibly profound desire to make others feel good hides your potential bite: the thorns that keep anyone from getting closer than they should. Labels: random
6/20/2009 06:04:00 PM
Monday, June 15, 2009
So. Let's adopt a new format~ (And I'm writing this at 3+am in the morning before work prolly cos I ate mac for dinner and the sugar in the coke is keeping me awake ==;) Friday Work ended for the day. (Hell, I can now sweat when I'm sitting down sleeping till sweat goes into my mouth =_=; The weather is too humid D:) And when I got home, I couldn't feel anyexcitement of Streetfest being tomorrow @_@; I believe my emotions to be dulled. Needa go sharpen it on someone *_* Well anyway~ With my new motivation~ I fervently started work on my props for Elt~ I actually made 5 revisions to just the head of my gauntlets alone (´Д`;) Then cos it was getting late I went to bed~ Didn't want to be late tomorrow~ *pops* Saturday~ I actually woke up before my alarm clock O_O I must be excited ~ Was originally going to meet crim and setsu at serangoon, but then I took too much of my own sweet time XD So went straight to meet stellar at somerset instead. But.... Who knew that they would be late =.=; So anyway, I passed time while fending off kyon, and reinhart and someone else arrived first. Kyon and reinhart held hands and merrily hopped off to the toilet to prepare XD ^fabricated Soon after Crim, Setsu and Lin?? came along~ WHOO! CRIM!! WHOO!! LIN!! *plenty <33* lost =".="" back ="x">D [GOT EATEN BY BLOGGER] People were still unprepared but those that we finally ready went off first. Didn't go off yet cos there were still unready people._. And then I had rinya's bag inside Lin's and crim's "blueeyes" bag 8D Then we finally went~ We arrived and I met my daughter!! 1.Ahhhh~ Your hair is so long~ 2.And if I wasn't loaded I would hug you~ XD There were loads of phototaking >_> Here's an edited one that I used rinya's phone to take for the request thread~ It's getting dry =X ![]() And there were jrock bands! Man they look good, not bad sounds too~ [BITTEN ONCE AGAIN] Got dragged away by Lin once to redo her makeup~ <3 size="2">(Now if I could only run across the stage while the band was playing..) *ninja's over* Told her that Lin was going up on stage and she took her friend's cam and went to the front of the stage like a crazy fan~~~ ^fabricated once again =X The walk was short O_O Up and down, just like that~ Everyone felt relaxed after that, so all of us abandoned the event XD And oh yea! hakimah was there in her own sewn dress *_* Wowers~ Saikang duties over! Most of the bags were returned~ Still holding onto Lin's slingbag for awhile tho. Cos I thought she was gonna change groups and split off. But she came along anyway~ For PURI! But, as we were retreating, the empty bag's sling, ..., gave way >< [BLOGGER HUNGRY YA] The team went in first~ During this time, rousi and yuchi called~ And they came over~ Next was the saikang's turn~ I really wanted crim to come in, but he couldn't OTL So some others came in instead~ rousi refused to tho =x ![]() Scanned in 600dpi credits to Lin~ The artists were Lin and cutepetz~ Then Lin and rousi left to do their sisterly things *_* Those left (Claude, cutepetz, rinya, setsu and I), went to Taka to eat Yoshinoya~ Then I remembered the old times when it was so much cheaper = 3= Claude and cutepetz look so fun together~ It made the meal quite enjoyable~ Up to Kino we went~ For cutepetz and rinya to get Cosmode. But as we walked through the beeper gate, Claude got beeped XD All of us stared ._. Turns out that the chip of last month's issue of Cosmode in his bag got reactivated~ The guard took it out and threw it down to the basement~ ^lies lies lies~ There was someone, someone who recognised me and said hi. But I couldn't remember ._. But we still talked anyway XD After that I saw a sign. 20% off. HOMG! I rushed back to the artbook section, and grabbed what would become my first artbook~ "Aria the Illustration : Avvenire" Kyaaaaa~~ <33 Then I passed it to cutepetz to help me pay, then I went back to the stranger~ Turns out it was mishi in a wig XD Was her friend who identified me tho .-. And her friend turned out to be Cyrissa .. The leader of a new team I joined... Singapore is small >.o Up to Artfriend~ I needed to get polyester resin and Modpodge. And regretted not getting the hardcoat Modpodge D: Then I went to the counter and HEY! it's the same auntie from a few days ago~ We talked abit and I got a free stick-it pad~ Then it's home time~ rinya cabbed cutepetz home, and the rest of us took the MRT~ .__________. The link between wisma and the MRT was open again.. For what reason have I been walking the long way for these few days... Home sweet home somehow~ FINALLY! SUNDAY! (have already rewritten some parts twice cos they got lost in blogger ==) I woke up early again~ Then I actually did work on my props *_* Did another two revisions on the head, and I bravely started cutting out the foam~ Spent a few hours on it and I say it's not bad~ Got some pictures but haven't extracted them yet~ Tomorrow~ I FOUND MY 1650 EARPIECE! No more boring days in MSET for me~ And ma wasn't home at night, so I went to mac to buy dinner. Look where that ended me ._. I've been writing this blog entry for 1.5 hours cos of a medium coke (。-人-。) Ken, curses the coke D: Labels: diary
6/15/2009 03:33:00 AM
Friday, June 12, 2009
This is a story about my shopping adventures. I received a request from the jester for a container that would allow him to carry drinking water around with him everyday. Then, quest in hand, I journeyed to the land of all answers. A mysterious land which goes by the name of NTUC. My objective was waiting for me to pick it up, but then... The hunter, I, changed his mind. And the glorious, meaningful journey resulted in the hunter returning with lots of chocolate for his own enjoyment. The water container abandoned. The jester, undeterred, requested epoxy resin for his next prop. This time, I seeked out a store in the village of Sengkang. I knew not where it was, just that it was underground. I stooped low and saw Home-Fix DIY. That was it. There were many trials, and I overcame them all. Just as I was about to reach my goal, I turned away. It was too small... When I left, I saw a homely lady selling chocolate. Two from her number were bought. The resin forgotten. LOL! Well that above was supposed to be the only story~ But after I came back from Sengkang, I coincidentally met Wei Xiong, Yau Ngai and Issac from BWLSS~ And they were waiting for Melvin to go swimming at Bishan XD I think that this is their first time going too o.o I'm really lucky in a weird way.. Yau Ngai doesn't seem so tall anymore XD This makes it around 4-5 years since I've last seen them. Really weirdly lucky =_= Ken, hopes for other coincidences.
6/12/2009 08:10:00 PM
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
PROPS ROPSS PROPOPSS PROPOSAL!! or something like that =/ So! After work today I rushed home and rushed out to go to art friend~ Got myself some wire mesh, a bigger glue gun, a pack of 10 craft foam and a sheet of thin cardboard~ I'm really simple ._. After seeing that I have 5 tonnes of motivation to make props OTL And when I was going back, I saw cageddice again ... The world is small =.= Her dressing has much more accessories now(girly?). This would be the second time I've seen her at a MRT >_>; Had something else to say but I can't remember =/ So oh well.. Maybe? Ken, bulldozes tutorials Labels: diary
6/10/2009 11:22:00 PM
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Through some external inspiration I did the recent thingy with my online nickname. The result was .... ![]() H with some food to earn gold ._. Sounds like a weird online character =.=; But interesting nonetheless~ Really reading Ouran now. Previously I stopped cos I couldn't stand reading all of the author's comments, there were too many.... So I'm not reading them now >.o Passing much faster~ Very glad that I was introduced to it, as well as for it being my first cosplay. It's very moving T_T Ken, twin love
6/09/2009 11:18:00 PM
![]() this website http://maker.usoko.net/nounai/ makes a map of your brain components~ the beige one is play, lime green is food, and with lin's and rousi's help the purple one is lust @_@ hey it's awfully accurate and i never knew i was so 'well defined' XD GO ON! TRY IT! Labels: cool
6/09/2009 12:03:00 AM
Monday, June 8, 2009
On the sleeping time of Sunday night, I had a dream. The two of us were going to work, at Macdonalds XD Sure doesn't seem like a good place to work. But hell, I sure felt happy = 3= Labels: dreams
6/08/2009 11:35:00 PM
Just had pudding. I don't think I like it ._.;; Someone give me recommendations!! (I think the one in the middle on my header up there is a pudding = 3=) I think the reason is that the pudding's taste is trying to pull me around, up and down.. But I can't take it XD It beats around the bush~ I prefer the strong and direct flavours of chocolate and ice cream~ I truly am a guy *sunglasses* (But guys aren't supposed to like sweet things in the first place! orz) Ken, nibbles like a timid mouse
6/08/2009 09:57:00 PM
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Now is the time for youtube links~ Rather funny/nice these all are~ AND don't run away! These is a specially nice one at the bottom~ So please last through the rest~ lol~ MAD parody on 5cm per second~ with Haruhi up there and Lucky Star below 8D Rather cute Miku song which has alot of characters in it~ Kaito out of a fridge?! Meiko sitting on a bench~ Rin and Len starving 8D Always liked this~ Anddddddd~ POWERPUFF REBORN! Hell that's cute. BLOSSOM! BUBBLES! BUTTERCUP!
6/07/2009 09:59:00 PM
Once again, everyone seems to be moving on. I've starting trying to change my lifestyle abit. And I wonder, after feeling this called suki for close to 11 months, what have I done? I have to bring realisation to my age. I'm not really young anymore, my parents neither, and friends are growing up too. In the past I had created a comparison poster on the quality of time spent with kiri, with miki and I as contenders. I'm making the same mistake again. 11 months of this lukewarm feeling that has no heat beneath it to make it fly. I am going to take stupid action. Haizz.. And Meiko songs aren't that nice >.o I've been talking alot today @_@ Hope that my change isn't toward a blogger revolution XD And oh yea, I went to the airport on sat to send my father and sisters off for their 14 day free and easy China =.= Sounds fun O.Q And had a wig cutting session at setsu's house(tho I was late; WOAH NICE HOUSE) I'm not bad as a wigcutter *sunglasses*
6/07/2009 07:45:00 PM
How did we start language? The Danish Linguist Otto Jespersen gathered together five theories of the origin of language with the following names: the bow-wow theory - language started by the replication of environmental sounds (e.g. animal calls) - suggesting langauge is onomatopoeic. the pooh-pooh theory - language started from instinctive sounds relating to pain, anger, pleasure, etc. - sugguesting language is emotional. the ding-dong theory - language started by spontaneous production of sounds in relation to common situations - suggesting language is an oral/physical mirror of reality, a mouthed echo. the yo-he-ho theory - language started as song, work song, social chants, rhythmic movement of the vocal chords - suggesting language is musical. the la-la theory - language started when love, art, poetry, music started - suggesting that language is aesthetic. Something I found in my bookmarks from http://www.answerbag.com/q_view/281737 Cleaning them out now ~_~ I get a feeling I have at least 300 bookmarks ._. Or more.. Ken.. Dies cleaning Labels: random
6/07/2009 05:17:00 PM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Pickup line that comes back and punches you Man~: Nurse-san. Is it your break now? If you'd like we could have lunch.. Nurse: I have no interest in healthy people ^^ ^liek LAWL~ And there's a new PSP coming out~ the PSP GO! Looks like it's easily breakable .-. tho it's cool =/
6/03/2009 09:29:00 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
It is said that love starts unexpectedly , and the gears of fate start to move, The hearts of the two, like the hour hand and the minute hand of a clock, diverges and converges, and the cycle repeats.. You, Have you ever loved? Labels: thoughts
6/02/2009 04:23:00 PM
Monday, June 1, 2009
Wowers *_* So I went to Tan Tock Seng Hospital last night at 9pm~ ^Now this is much funnier when you know someone in that line.. *coughsSGHough* The emergency dept. looks much like a field hospital~ No aircon and it is covered by a tent @.@ This is my first time to a hospital in 13 years~ Unless if you count that time I went to Outram cos I was being a cat~~~~~ It didn't take too long, two hours was all~ And I came out with a new experience~ Went through a ECG for the first time *_* Don't worry, it doesn't shock at all |*゚ー゚)ノ I was diagnosed with bad fever, cough and flu no oink oink flu in there 8D 3 days of MC, 310509-020609 for me~(^Д^) AND! I'm so glad my pill swallowing ratio is higher now >< now ="w=" onblur="try {parent.deselectBloggerImageGracefully();} catch(e) {}" href="https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6KFMr4-GkCe_-8QqnasnupylFLJXS1W4RTigHV1fHAm3l47krToZe8l1hLXZZvFmHJYiL0Ge2xEbAKxEovxlzSiZhtyhJsSCt0UOVXSD-VZjSNQ5-gol92YqA0NbwtaMka_RhOh4A4cA/s1600-h/P1010541.JPG"> TTS XD I'm shocked by the amount of panadol there are .-. Pepsi, The Choice of the New Generation Ken, gets a MC
6/01/2009 04:33:00 PM